February Blog, 2024

This month we will discuss:

  • An Abundant Life
  • Quotes
  • Chesapeake News

An Abundant Life: 

“Dan, how have you personally gained from being part of our unity group for the past three years?”

It was a “coming from left field” question designed to give me some insight prior to writing this blog.  I started to write about some of the most recent incidents of blatant racism to “prove” it is still a problem.  That would be easy to do as there are many.  That did not feel right.  Folks are not attracted to negatives.  It seems all discussion on race has a negative feel to it and I suppose much of that is intended.

After a few minutes of thinking, Dan replied, “Abundance.  Life is more abundant since I joined the unity group.”

“The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and kill and destroy.  I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it abundantly.” John 10:10 (KJV) 

Dan went on to say initially, he did not want to join the group, the group was scheduled for 6:00 AM, and it was not a topic he was interested in.  Also, he was not prejudiced so what was he going to learn?  We changed the time to 7:00.  I am also Dan’s boss, and he felt a small amount of pressure there.  However, he rationed that if he went and did not like it, he could always drop out.

Abundance means to have more than you need it is the opposite of scarcity.  Abundance implies something positive.  What does “more abundantly” look like?  I cannot speak for Dan, but here are a few bullet items from my perspective:

  • I have at least 20 brand new close friends. Some of the people in the group were already friends, but I have added 20 new ones.
  • Many opportunities have opened up to serve others. Matthews Elementary School in Northport where we have done multiple projects and on an ongoing basis serve the school daily by opening doors for students rather than the teachers having to do it.  About four food drops where on each one we have given away 5,000 pounds of food. Helping put on the first community unity event that was a job fair along with fun – 60 people left with a job.
  • Attending worship services together.
  • Gaining a deeper understanding of one another.
  • Support group in times of trouble. When our daughter Leigh suffered a very serious illness these men and their wives were a wonderful support system for Linda and me.

Like many things spiritual the flow is obedience first, consequences second.  To gain life abundantly one must first take a leap of faith.

Perhaps it is time, early in 2024, to ponder/discern and take that leap of faith.  Recently one of our pastors had a couple of good points.  To open up the abundant life of tomorrow you must make a move.  God has an adventure for you, but you must move.  Every great adventure starts with that leap of faith.  It is hard to imagine what your “yes” has on the other side of it



  1. When prayer becomes a habit, miracles become a lifestyle. Hamp Green
  2. God’s plan to reach people is worked through those who already know and love Him. The Highlands Prayer Guide page 64
  3. We cannot do great things; only small things with great love. Mother Teresa
  4. The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitude. William James
  5. He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love. Martin Luther King, Jr.
  6. Twenty years for now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So, throw off the bowlines, sail away for the safe harbor, and catch the trade winds in your sails.  Explore, Dream, Discover.  Mark Twain.
  7. True peace is not merely the absence of tension; it is the presence of justice. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Chesapeake News:

You can visit our podcast page HERE (If the link isn’t working – https://www.youtube.com/@castingforunity)

You can learn all about what’s going on with Chesapeake HERE  (https://linktr.ee/cciis)

In January we attended the Alabama Sheriff’s Conference in Auburn.  This is the fourth conference we have attended and we will harvest some business out of the effort.  This month we will begin working with the Blount County Sheriff’s Department.

We would love to work with your team to help add value.  Give us a shout and let’s talk.
